Congratulations, Biker Bill! Thank you for sharing your humility, your pride, your ego, your willingness, your wisdom & your ability to put our 12Steps into action & share with us all about it. Thank you for sharing your recovery, your journey & your SOBRIETY with us all@MIP. Thank you for being here. I'm very very proud of you! Love & fellowship, Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!
Bill, Thanks for being there for us. Thanks for seeing straight though our bullsh*t and calling it like you see it. You are the beauty and truth of a Lotus Flower, bronzed and displayed in a leather vase kept in the store-front window of a classic-vinyl record store on a Soho back-street that only the locals know about.
Thanks - you're all very kind. I like to bookend my day here. Come here in the morning before I launch into the maelstrom of work and come back again before going to bed.
It's not a substitute for a meeting, but a complement. Though I do use it as my communication with a brother alkie sometimes.
It's great that wherever I may be in the world, if for some reason I can't get a meeting, I've got this to fall back on. Teaches me patience too, because I don't get instant responses.
also it's good to learn a little bit about how other people's lives are, which makes me grateful for what I have here - it's too easy to watch American Hot Rod, the Waltons and Orange County Choppers and believe that all America is like that, obviously it isn't, no more than we are all East Enders or Coronation Street.
what blows me away is the sheer size of the US - I'm reading a novel where the hero of the tale drives from Louisiana to Montana for some reason - sounds like a long way - (and the guy just doesn't get to many meetings!) - my country is what 750 miles high and maybe 200 miles wide at the widest point, there is no where in England more than 80 miles from the sea, I've ridden from Sheffield to Dunnets Head, to the Lizard and back to Sheffield in 5 days (home to farthest North, to Farthest South, to Home.) I could do the four points of the compass in the same time (done 3 out of four, just got to get Ardnamurchan Point, done Lowestoft, Dunnets Head and the Lizard) some guy rode around the coast last year in about 2 weeks. That sounds like maybe GB would fit into one decent sized state.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Congratulations Bill! Love reading your posts..........really helpful and encouraging. Funny too ....... on so many occasions, and my God, a sense of humour has been vital to my recovery! Once again - Congratulations and thank you for your shares! Louisa xx!