Damaged Merchandise: Poems and stories of an alcoholic addict
By Dave Harm
"Damaged Merchandise," is a book about hope and dreams. Even those lost in an alcoholic or drug induce haze, have dreams. They were just lost or "damaged" due to the abuse. With sobriety, came the knowledge that I needed to live in the real world. Still, with reality it was OK to dream. And with reality, I achieved goals, which I hoped would make my dreams come true! "Damaged Merchandise," is the story of dreams coming true, while living in the real world.
Told through stories and poems, "Damaged Merchandise: Poems and Stories of an Alcoholic Addict," is my story. A story of destruction and damage, which 10 years later, I'm still trying to correct. At times, the poems leave the reader wondering "what if?" and that's OK, because the final chapter, in my life has yet to be written.
From homelessness, to ODing, failed suicides, running and hiding (both from myself and the law), its all here. From drug dealing, to stealing, to hitch-hiking the USA, the reader enters a world, where few go and fewer survive!
Have you ever been to a larger size city and walked through their busy main streets? You'll look into the windows and see merchandise, you've never seen before. You'll stop into a little cafe and try some "home cooking." You'll watch the people walk by on the sidewalks, the cars behind them, racing in both directions. Then reality sets in, ever so slowly, a dirty man, with torn clothes, has his hand out, begging for money. Some look away, others feel pity, while still others are angry. I know, because I seen all these feelings when I was homeless. I heard stories from the Bible, and was told to "get a job!" I was harassed, kicked and spit upon. It didn't bother me, just please, give me your loose change. I grew up in a proud home (with what the outside saw) that had strong values. But they didn't see inside the closed doors, it was quite dysfunctional. It was from this craziness, that I survived. I survived homelessness, alcoholism, drug addiction, divorces, numerous court cases and jail. That craziness made me who I am. That craziness gave me a life, it gave me an excuse. For most of my adult life, my childhood ruled me. Marriages failed because of my parents. It was their fault I lost jobs. On and on, it went. As long as it was their fault, I did not have to accept responsibility for my actions. That was until my drinking could not be avoided. In court rooms, they didn't want to hear about "poor Dave." They would not let me push my responsibility on someone else. Looking at many years in the penal system, the fear of God set in, and I realized this was my last chance. Some would say, I quit to avoid jail. They are correct. But that fear has kept me sober for over nine years. I still remember my last drunk, my first day in court, and my first counseling session. I was defeated, scared, and totally hopeless. If I didn't go to court, there is little doubt in my mind, that I would be dead. Either someone would have killed me, I would have killed myself, or alcoholism would have done me in. While alcoholism, helped me survive many trials, it should be stated that, all these trials I created! Sobriety, brought new challenges. Most people call this - life! Pay bills, accept responsibility and try to rebuild burnt bridges. Sobriety gave me strength and courage to move forward. I am so thankful, that my wife, Betty did not have to go through breast cancer alone. If I was drinking, I wouldn't have been there for her, physically - maybe, spiritually - no way.
Yes, I read it... or should I say... I wrote it... I lived it...
People that have read it, have like it. There are ten chapters in the book. A lot of my own personal history is in every chapter. But it's not all about alcoholism and addiction. There is a couple of chapters about my relationship with my present wife... finding love... then finding a Higher Power, to give me strength and courage as she battled breast cancer. There is a story in the book about how after one surgery, she died for a short period. It was the most intense time of my life. I have never felt that close to God as I did at that time. It was pure (words are hard to describe it) but it was a Wholeness and Oneness with every living thing. The final chapter is entitled "Omega" and it walks the line of thinking that no matter how hard I've had it, there are others out there who have had it worse. It is about two couples I have the privilege of knowing who have lost their teenage children. My wife's cancer, my estranged family, everything that has happened to me, is pale compared to the pain these parents have endured.
That's the premise of "Damaged Merchandise" - hopes and dreams can only occur when we live in the "real" world, a world that is alcohol and drug free. And I'm sure some of the writings in the book, you will say "I know what he is talking about."
Please, visit my sites and let me know what you think...
Just found your reply, and have to go over to town. Just did a quick link to each site, and love the discovering concept. There are a lot of aspects to my work, so when asked (on forms and whatnot) I put explorer. The concept is similar, I think. Had the funniest conversation with a telemarketer once...but that's another story...
Will be back this arvo to check them out more thoroughly, but wanted to thankyou. Well done mate. I just love seeing people moving forward and turning their lives around, sharing hope and inspiration.
We have some fantastic people on this board. I hope you keep coming back in to help the newcomers along. You clearly have a lot that is worth sharing.
And for anyone wondering...this was simply another one of those wonderful co-incidences...life seems to be full of them lately.