Hi there, my name is Michelle, I live in Montreal, Que, Canada. I just came across this message board, and wondering if it is very active. So if there is anyone out there who would like to talk now and then on any subject, it would be very nice. I am quite active in AA, but at times, due to some medical problems I have had recently, I can't always get out to meetings, as often as I would like. So if you like, I will check in and out of here, to see if anyone would like to chat......
Hi Michelle, Glad you have joined us. Somedays are more active than others, it seems posting had been a bit slow the last few days.Please jump right in and share your experience, strength and hope with us.
I'm sure the others will be checking in to say "Hi" soon.I don't go to chat, but I think some here do.
Gammy's right,some days are slower than others. I think we have a core group of people that check in here a couple of times a day, than others that drop in 2-3x a week. Rather like a face to face meeting. The chat room is not as active as the message board, but if you ever want to talk to someone, leave a message here with a time you will be in the chat room and I'm sure that someone will get there.