im doing pretty good except that old friends do not treat me the thesame as they did when i was drinking so i just been staying away and staying closer to my family these friends are of course still drinking . i miss some of them do you have to give up these friends forever somewhat sad . wagon
Hi Wagon. You will find that a lot of your drinking freinds will fall by the wayside as time goes on. Why? Because one of the big things we had in common was drinking. --thats it.
I still have a couple left from my drinking days that were true freinds, and still are today, but thats it. If they visit they bring their own booze. I dont advise that scenario when one is new in the program tho.
When I first sobered up my drinking freinds would drop in, but if there was no booze around, they didnt stay long. Kinda speaks for itself hu?
As one goes to meetings of AA one gets to meet true freinds, that will stand beside you through thick and thin, as you will for them. A true freindship bonding will take place between yourself and others that you never dreamed possible.
You can walk into any AA meeting, in any part of the world and feel at home with people that youve never even met before.
The journeys worth the ride.:)
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..