I got your email. Thanks. And youre right. When others are going through stuff, theres not a derned thing I can do, except stand by with love.
I have learned one thing in these programs thats a big plus.
When we come into AA its 99 percent alcohol problem and one percent living problem, When we get in here, it becomes 1 percent alcohol problem and 99 percent living problem.
Same with Alanon.
If I quit going to meetings--stinking thinking sets in-negative thinking sets in-negative emotions set in, and I go backwards, into old patterns and old ways.
These programs are a learning process, one day at a time. They are a life line to a positive contented way of life.
Gotta keep going forward, a bit at a time. And we dont hafta be alone or do it alone. Its a we thing.
Have a great day!!
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..