I am 6 days sober now and fresh out of detox. I am 28 years old and never been to detox or tried to quit drinking in my many years of heavy drinking. I dont have much $$ at all and was wondering if someone could perhaps donate me a big book out of good faith and karma, hopefully the Higher Power can lead me to the book! thanks Steve
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
At the end of the Meetings, I am used to, they say that the Big Book is 6 or 7 dollars, but then say, UNLESS you are new, then there is No Charge for the book.
The meeting are so critical to your Continued Sobriety, they have meetings where they offer Child care too. Try to find one.
There is a saying that is so true Steve. We need to keep Sobriety in the Front of EVERYTHING else, not allow anything in Front of it, it improves our chances of staying sober.
Wishing you the best. and So Happy you are here with us today.
Steve, welcome...... and I would be glad to mail out a copy to you, to any address of your choosing, if you find you are unable to get a free one in the next few days. Just PM me and let me know where to mail it to.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.