Thanks for sharing John, from way down below. And to others that have shared on medical stuff and pills also, and their experiences.
Acceptance, is the word Im looking for, and just doing what we gotta do.
I know when Im off key, it can affect sanity-it can affect attitudes-and emotional balance--and everything in my life goes outa whack.
Insecurities and fear set in for no reason whatsoever--depression-anxiety--My God What a mess. I still have a difficult time accepting that past physical and health experiences could cause this stuff--but the more I get to know about it--the more I can understand and accept it.
I guess its the same thing as If we dont go to meetings and take our program medicines, we go backwards also. It all leads to insanity in some form.:)
Anyway--its great to be and feel back on track. Thanks again. With Love.
-- Edited by Phil at 17:57, 2005-05-12
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
I can't tell you guys how good it is to hear people talk about this. As I told Phil in e-mail I've had a problem with someone who really undermined my self-confidence by telling me that taking the meds I'm on (doctor prescribed) was the same as drinking. It took me a few days to get my head screwed on straight again, and while I can't say I was tempted to drink, it was the worst blow to my sanity that I've had in awhile.
It's terrific that some people don't have to take pills, but the quasi-religious nonsense saying that it's bad or the same as drinking really doesn't help anybody. Sure I'd rather not take pills, but from now on I'll rely on honest and open discussion with my doctor about it and ignore what less informed people have to say. And please God help me not to be too annoyed at them. (I need lots of help with that.)
Hey guys, Have ya'll read the pamplet"the AA member-Medications & other Drugs", it's really great, it was written by a group of Physicians in AA.
I too have to take meds. for the scleroderma and other medical problems I have. What I have found is I am not abusing drugs if I stick to the prescribed amount, but if I ever start to think,"Well, if one is good then 3 would be better." Then I am messing with my sobriety and my recovery is in jeopardy.Soooo, I stick to the perscribed amount. That works for me.
No, I haven't read it and hadn't even heard about it... I will keep an eye out now. Thanks for telling me.
Here are a couple excerpts that were on a page I found:
"...A.A. members and many of their physicians have described situations in which depressed patients have been told by A.A.s to throw away the pills, only to have depression return with all its difficulties, sometimes resulting in suicide. We have heard, too, from schizophrenics, manic depressives, epileptics, and others requiring medication that well-meaning A.A. friends often discourage them from taking prescribed medication, Unfortunately, by following a layman's advice, the sufferers find that their conditions can return with all their previous intensity..."
"It becomes clear that just as it is wrong to enable or support any alcoholic to become readdicted to any drug, it's equally wrong to deprive any alcoholic of medication which can alleviate or control other disabling physical and/or emotional problems."
That certainly sounds right on the mark.
Anyone know a place that the entire thing is online?
I know of no sights that cover this topic, but I do think its been covered quite well in each others views about it.
Taking prescribed drugs without abuse if one has to, to function properly.
I hafta keep a very open mind with it all. There are people in AA that are on the Weed program, and others that substiute pills for alcohol and try to justify it. They might as well be drinking--my opinion.
I have freinds in the program with 20 and 25 years of sobriety, and walk around popping pills. and to me are just "Not Drinking"
I try not to judge them--a few of them are pretty close freinds. I just hafta do what I hafta do for me, and accept them as they are. Its their stuff.
And Gammys comment about not overdoing prescription drugs is , in my opinion--the biggy.
Then theres Tradition 3. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking.
I am the one that I hafta live with. And as long as Im doing what Im suppossed to be doing medical wise--thats what matters.-and will keep an open mind with the rest of it.
Some of these Gods and opinionated people in AA I just hafta say-Live and Let Live, and Let It Go.
They are not going to change because I wish them too--the only one I can change is myself. And reacting to some of it, is just going to make things worse.
Onward we go.:)
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
I have some personal experience with this. When I got to AA, my dr. had given me a strong acting medication for depression. And I heard the same things...that I shouldn't need a pill, if I worked the steps I'd be ok, blahblahblah. I almost felt like my HP wasn't strong enough, because I knew I couldn't give up the meds. Thank god I didn't. Someone mentioned to me that maybe I was able to work the steps and get sober because the meds were working the way they were supposed to and I could finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. Under a drs care and advice I am no longer on medication, but also will go right back on if my depression comes back. There is worse things than meds today, it's drinking and death that scares me now.
And bottom line, it's nobody's business but mind and my drs. AAs know how to stop drinking, but not every problem that arises is directly related to drinking.