Yes Ellen, its great to see this board so busy, and all the newcommers finding us. Its a pretty nice feeling to be able to be there for others, and reminds this kid each day, that no matter how long weve been sober, we are all on the same path, in the same day.
Its a great lifeline in sobriety. I remember a long time ago when there were only 2 or 3 of us here. Now there are dozens of us sharing our experience strength and hope with each other.
God works through people. God worked through John, to develop this sight, and keep it going.
I will always have a debt of gratitude to John. I know for a fact if it wasnt for this board, I wouldnt be alive today.
It was one year ago--almost 20 years sober-that my world had gone for a crap-I was on chemo for Lukemia--my wife was gone-and I was in a depression that I could not get out of. A Hell I could not cope with.
There was no hope. I went out one morning for a drive in the country to end it all. Walked along rivers, through parks, asking myself WHY.
That day a Higher Power led me to a hospital where I received medical help.
When I returned home the same night, being followed by a sponsee, to make sure I got there safely, there was a cop at my door asking if I knew a guy called Mike, from the United States. I relied yes. Mike had called the local police force in my area to check on me. Mike was a part of this board. There were others on this board that were involved also.
Now, where do you get support and caring and love, such as that? Nowhere.
Since that time the lukemia has been arrested, I have received medical help--my wife is back in my life-and I feel like living again. Anyone that tells me there is no God? I guarantee you, there is. And as Ive mentioned before, He works through people--right on this board.
When anyone reaches out for help, we are there for them--in the same manner that others have been there for us.
I will call anyone here, at any time of the day or night--I dont care what part of the world they live in--if I can be of help--through a Higher Power of my understanding. Anyone.
You guys help me each and every day. We reach out to each other with hope--love--and understanding. And THATS what its all about.
Love yus Phil
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
And yes GOD does for us what we could not do for ourselfs
It is easy to let up on the spiritual program of action and rest on our laurels. We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is a subtle foe. We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition."
~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, Into Action, pg. 85~