Howdy Gal:) Im kinda in and out of the site on a few minutes here and there, thingy. I operate a taxi business in the far north. We do use cars, and not dog sleds as some southerners might beleive.:)
Got in from an Alanon meeting last night--was at the online meeting for a few minutes, and had to run out the door on a call, and then caught the end of the meeting, when I got back in.
Ide like to attend all the AA meetings on here, and as much as Ide like to tell my customers, "Im sorry Sir, youll just hafta wait till the meetings over, its impossible.
I do have drivers, but they arent always available, when I want them to be, so we just try to do what we can, on a daily basis.
You have a great day, my freind.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
I would love to attend the online meetings also but I have f2f meetings both nights. The meetings are at 8 p.m. central time. I have gone to the chat room several times but no one is ever there?
John's started sending me reminders on the day by email, but I still don't know how many hours away "tonight" is...
And I got fed up with trying to work it all out, sitting around clockwatching, going in there, finding nothing, checking clock conversion tables and feeling disappointed.
So, I'm just happy to visit this board and experience 24 hour a day meetings with folks who share their lives and recovery here. That's working for me just fine. Trying to sinc up with the online meeting left me feeling internationally disadvantaged, but coming here makes me feel internationally priviledged. There is always someone here, and if they are not here, they are never far away...