guess ive cut back and saved money at least but maybe you dont like posts like this? with you its all or nothing?
-- Edited by lateforthesky at 12:00, 2008-12-17
lmao That's up to you LFTSky. If you want to drink, that's your business, If you want to quit, that's our business . When you're ready to give it all up for good (one day at a time) we can help you. Great movie btw, James Woods did an excellent job of showing the progression of the disease and recovery.
I am here because I have accepted step 1 in the Chapter "How it works" in the Big Book. I have admitted that I am powerless over alcohol, and that because of that, all aspects of my life and my health were in jeopardy.
I don't know if you have a problem with alcohol or not, and don't have any desire to judge for you whether or not "it is all or nothing" for you, only that for me it is.
If you are still feeling that you have some control over your drinking and are only looking for a program to help your 'maintainence' that is up to you.
You will find that most of us are here because of our desire to stop drinking.
If you are questioning whether you may have an alcohol problem, maybe this will help:
The following questions may help you decide if you or a loved one has a problem with drinking and may be an alcoholic. Try to be honest when you answer the questions and keep up with your yes answers. Be sure to read the comments at the end.
Have you ever tried to quit drinking for a period of time and started back in a day or two?
Do you resent people telling you what to do about your drinking or voicing their concern?
Have you tried to alter your drinking behavior by switching from one form of drink to another? i.e. hard liquor to beer, beer to wine, wine to beer, etc..
Do you ever need a drink to get started in the morning or to stop the shakes?
Are you envious of people who drink without getting into trouble?
Have there been problems connected with your drinking in the past year?
Has your drinking caused problems within your household or with your significant others?
Do you ever drink to prepare for a party or get extra drinks while there?
Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking when you want, but continue to get drunk when you don't mean to?
Do you miss days at work or school because of your drinking?
Do you have blackouts when you are drinking?
Do you ever feel that your life would improve if you did not drink?
If you answered yes to 4 or more of these questions then the possibility exists that you have a drinking problem. It may be a good idea to attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and listen to the stories of others who have an acknowledged drinking problem. AA has helped many to regain their lives and to live once again with purpose and direction.
PS. "My Name is Bill W" is a helluva movie! Watching it helped both my co-dependant and me to better understand the nature of this disease.
PSPS. I never had 3 beers cause me to have a sore throat (unless they were chasers for 3 shots of booze).
-- -- Edited by Sick of being sick at 16:00, 2008-12-17
-- Edited by Sick of being sick at 16:00, 2008-12-17
Wow, for this guy it is all or nothing for sure. I tried the "easier, softer way" and always made "exceptions". I was only kidding myself so made the decision and haven't looked back! I loved the movie and remember the scene where Bill W was drunk, talking to himself, walking on a sidewalk and bumped into a pole.....I was weak!!!! funniest scene I've ever seen. Probably since I could relate!
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. ~Buddha