This is my first time coming to this site, I just wanted to thank Bob Earl. about 17 years ago, I heard a tape that one of my family members had, I could relate to his words so much. I had forgotten about that tape until yesterday. I had the "vulture on my headboard", and could not make it shut up!! Then I remembered Bob Earl and looked on the internet to see if I could find anything about him. I did, there was only 1 place, yet it had exactly what I was looking for Bob Earl in L.A.
I do not know if this man is still alive, I know nothing about him other then that 1 tape. If you are still alive and you come to this webite,
I want to Thank You for sharing your story. I don't understand other languages, yet your language I understood perfectly.
I also had a friend hand me a bob earl tape in my first year. I still have it and quite few more. You can find most on the internet for free. Or you can find copies on ebay cheap. Highly recommended. The guy rose from being a hardened illiterate LA street criminal junkie to the head of the TV writing staff at Universal Studios starting with 1 script he wrote in early recovery, that by the grace of God, was delivered to the producer of the TV show "Ironsides" (in the early 60's) and they bought the script and hired him on the spot. Bob Earl was a famous AA circuit speaker in the late 70's thru the 80's. He is probably still alive because he was a real health and exercise fanatic (typical in SoCal).
When I as only a couple of years sober back in the mid-1980s I used to listen to Bob Earl and there was on tape I used to have where he talks about setting up his own meeting AA with empty chairs and reading the Big Book with a Black Light looking for the secret. Yet in the years since I have lost them I found a couple of his later talks on the net at that is downloadable with a YouTube downloader App. But I cannot find the older ones that I had in the mid-1980s if anyone know where they can be found I would appreciate it if you would let me know.
It lists me as a newbie, and I am a newbie to this site but I have been sober since April 1 1985
-- Edited by Celticlady on Saturday 8th of August 2015 08:56:06 AM
There is a group on FB "Bob Earl -in appreciation" - you can look for more info about Bob there. It's not an ad,
I am so grateful to Bob - he is really a great speaker, and the things he talks about touch upon the life of us all : AA, NA, ACA, OA... - suffering people looking for God.
You are lucky to understand all he talks about - I am not so good in listening English :(.