if anyone is out there, my internet has been down all day, just got it back, does anyone have any advice regarding cross talk, we have a problem in our meeting with cross talk and i want to address it, is there anything in the big book that can help me?
thanks sorry for the short notice, life in the islands
ok, jumped the gun, i have found some help online, but if anyone has a comment i'd love to hear how it's handled in your meetings
so here's what happened at my meeting, first of all, no one wanted to chair the meeting, so I was encouraged to chair the meeting, Higher Power had a hand in this....
no one knew what I was going to do, not even me for sure...........I kept saying the serenity prayer and asking for guidance while the preambles were being read. then as the 12 traditions were being read I knew what I had to do...I had to bring up the topic of "crosstalk"
I shared how I had spoken up 3-4 meetings ago about how I felt like I wasn't at an AA meeting, because the topic didn't seem recovery related, that I was being challenged to place principles before personalitys, that please could we have a meeting without crosstalk because I was no longer feeling safe to share in the meeting for fear that someone would interupt me......and that I love to come to meetings, and I had let this issue stop me from coming to the last three meetings and that didn't feel good, so here I am being honest and sharing what I am feeling.......
well, wow, what an incredible meeting we had, everybody, wanted to talk about it, everyone was glad i brought it up, we all shared, open honest......I love this program, I feel SOOOOOOO much better.......
here's what i found on the internet and read to them.....not everyone agreed entirely but they appreciated me sharing it, nothing is carved in stone, we are keeping it simple and still laughing, awesome!!!
"Cross talk" during an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting typically means giving direct advice to others who have already shared, speaking directly to another person rather than to the group, telling another member what to think or how to act, and questioning or interrupting the person who is sharing and speaking at the time.Avoidance of cross talk is considered a safety feature of the meetings. Unlike group therapy, Alcoholics Anonymous members share their own experience, strength, and hope with one another, rather than telling others what to do or what they should think.In the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, members refrain from cross talk. The idea is for members to speak only about their own feelings and experiences and accept without comment what others say because whatever they say is true for them. Alcoholics Anonymous members work toward taking responsibility in their own lives, rather than giving advice to others.
Definition of the word Crosstalk:The word has been with us at least since 1887. Websters 10th Edition defines crosstalk as unwanted signals in a communication channel caused by transference of energy from another circuit- as when, for instance, two members sitting side by side at an A.A. meeting carry on a private, yet not so quiet, conversation or when one member interrupts another rudely or inappropria
Sounds like your HP helped you and you had a great meeting from it.
I like what you found and read and agree.
However there are times when people ask for advice, opinions and or help at meetings, this of course would not be considered crosstalk.
But if a person is baring their soul, getting something out, the room should have the common courtesy to let them do it uninterrupted. And then share ES&H with them.
The good thing about this forum is there is no cross-typing. :) Bruce
-- Edited by matay at 15:22, 2008-09-13
-- Edited by matay at 15:23, 2008-09-13
Until I know what I'm doing, I'll ask questions from someone who has what I want. If I don't like the answer, it's probably the one I need!
Basically we all find out at some point that we have control issues
A big part of recovery is leveling our pride and letting others be, hence Live and Let Live
I love Alanon for this stuff
They're real clear about cross-talk and read it twice in their meeting openers along with a definition
I cross talked at someone 2 days ago
It wasn't cruel stuff but it was a little controlling and one-upping
I made an amends for it yesterday