have not had to deal with all 12 problems , but maybe a few different ones. I know at this point I my life I need to quit drinking work late so to easy to hide from family and friends. But not from my self . Think or know I am missing out on go things . Would luv to chat with anyone that could help. Thank you
I have to cook tea in the midst of chatting - but if you are still around, fire away. I'm all ears and look forward to getting to know you.
My name is Nic. I'm an alcoholic that has been living in outback Australia for a year, so I no longer have access to formal face to face meetings. I am still in contact with many of my AA friends, who help me remember I am human and giving life my best shot, and check in here often to make sure I haven't forgotten who I am. I am approaching my... gawd... 7th year of sobriety - and never ever in my wildest dreams did I think that I would ever be saying that!
I still can't find socks that match, spend ages in the bath, and still to this day react when I see a cop car... but all those things are usually followed by a laugh, because you can do all those things sober and no-one starts carrying on too much.
The farm I live on is called the Rainbows End. When I found it, I just knew I belonged here. I love the life I live today, and I only ever look back long enough to remind myself I'm not going backwards. I did some really dumb things, hurt a lot of people and lost everything while I was drinking - my self respect, jobs, family, marriage, a child, security, faith in everyone else and in me. If you are thinking of stopping drinking maybe you have been thinking of those kinds of things... adding up the cost, so to speak. Do you want to chat about that, maybe?
Step One is - We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives were unmanageable.
Am just going to throw some snags on for the kids - take your time and I will check in again soon.
Have been wandering about in my family tree tonight... tis a very curly tree too. It has become my latest thing - but am really enjoying it... and it keeps me off the streets, I guess... (or goat tracks as the case may be)
I have a line curled with adoptions, orphans, pretend marriages, as well as oodles of divorces. Leaves me feeling very grateful everytime I have a look at it.
Keep smiling Phil and you have a good day? I'm off to bed. The rooster has started at 3am... I do wish he'd look at the clock I gave him...
No-one should ever lose the fear of police cars, just because you are paranoid it does not mean that they are not out to get you. And they most certainly are.
Back the bid for the Olympics anwhere else but London
Funny you should say that Stan - about your name...
I have just spent the past week trying to find a Stanley (Barraclough?). My Grandmother and her brother were put into UK orphanages at the age of 2 and 5, I think... Am beginning to think he may have been part of the child migration scheme and ended up in either Canada or here in Aus... cos I can't find a trace of him.