All I can share with you is 12 steps.:) peeling the layers off the onion? When one goes through enough pain and banging head against wall, one just gives up, and turns it over completely to God one day at a time?
Let go and Let God?
Acceptance of things we cannot change?
Yesterday is gone--dont want to bring it into today and spoil it?
Giving up expectations?
Forgiving others, and by doing so it frees us?
Forgiving ourselves?
Not letting negative crap from yesterday, and fear, over power the positives of today, and look forward to tomorrow with optimism and faith?
Letting it all go--not forgetting-just letting it all go?
Giving up control, and trying to fix, that --which we cannot change?
God has a sense of humour some days?
No pain--no gain?
Accepting others as they are, and where they are at? Knowing they hafta go their own journeys as we do?
GETTING A GOOD SPONSOR AND DUMPING IT ALL? was the biggy for this kid. Still is.
If we dont get rid of the bad bull crap-we have no room for good stuff.
Walk through fear--face it head on. Any lengths? yup. Any lengths. Half measures avail us nothing? yup-been there --tried it.:) Hid behing the walls for a long time, before comming out. No fun--no fun at all.
Bullcrap hides whats in our hearts. We give to others from our hearts. If the bullcrap is still there, we then wear nothing but masks.
Onward my freind. Onward>Take God with yu.:)
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..