When we live and let live, we don't need to criticize, judge, or condemn others. We have no need to control them or try and make them conform to our way of thinking. We let others live their own lives and we live ours.
This simple slogan helps center us on our own recovery and on living our own life in the best way we know how. Live and let live is one of the keys to peace in our lives. When we practice tolerance in our lives we are liberated to work on our own issues. When we use this slogan we end many of the conflicts in our lives and gain the ability to stop new ones before they build into big ones.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
From the grapevine, 1966. "Gradually we began to be able to accept the other fellow's sins as well as his virtues. We coined the the potent and meaningful expression; Let us always love the best in others, and never fear their worst."
I am pretty sure this was submitted by Bill Wilson. I remember reading that when he was upset with some person, place, or thing, he would take long walks repeating this phrase, (prayer) over and over until he could accept the situation as being just as it should be. From "As Bill sees it"
This is an on going living problem with me. I can really be critical of others. I find myself judgeing them by my standards or what I think is best for them. I have to constantly remind myself to be, hard on myself, but easy on others.